Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Teach Your Baby Talk

Here are few things that you can do to assist your baby’s language and communication development:

1. Respond if your baby is crying.
Babies also learn much about communication when they are crying. In the first year age, crying is really a center of their communication system. When you respond to their cries, our babies learn and realize that they will be listened to and that the world is a safe place where their needs.

2. Make conversations with your baby.
Young babies start the skills of conversing via taking turns. babies coo, look at you and than wait. You coo and so babies will coo back. In that really simply interaction, babies practice the structure of conversation and babies learn that babies will be responded to while babies reach out to communicate.

3. Make Talking  with your babies naturally through your time with her or him.
The babies will learn receptive language and communication skills long before babies learn expressive things. Your babies will understand what you are saying to her or him well before he or she is able to speak or talk  many words. While babies grow up in a language with rich environment, they learn to speak naturally.
When you talk to your babies regularly and listen to them, babies will learn language readily .
Modeling language is really your best teaching and useful tool. Babies and children do not have to be "made" to speak or talk correctly. When you become the correct model language, so don't worry they will gradually learn grammar properly.

4. Just try extend their language and describe what you see their doing.
It is something parents instinctively do with their children. While your babies reach to your nose, cooing, you can say, It’s my nose. Will you grab it with your little hand? When they turn toward the sound of the door opening, you can say, You heard the door opening. Is that your brother coming in? When the cat approaches and they start gurgling and kicking their feet, you can say, Oh, you look Tiger coming. You look excited to look your fuzzy cat or Hi Tiger cat. Lisa is so excited to see you are coming.

5. Start talk to your babies about what you are doing with them.
It really could feel awkward to talk to a babies who don’t understand you, but they need the repeated experience of hearing you are talking in order to they get understand your language.
Please before you pick her up, you could reach your hands towards her and say, I’m going to pick you.
In this way they will learn language and communication in the rich context of experience.
During diapering the baby you can also say, Here is your dry diaper. I’m lifting up your bottom so I put it on you.
This not only will help their learn language skill, it also helps them learn to expect what will be come next and participate more actively in the process for your babies.

6. Start talk about anything your own actions as well.
Engaging in self-talk around your baby teaches their language skill and help them make sense of the world. Describe what you are doing as you do it: I am steaming these carrots for your lunch. and then, I will grind them up and than so you can eat them. And also, I am going to work. Dad will stay with you today.

7. Just sing songs or telling them good stories.
Songs and stories are really an important part of learning language and communication skill.
Because they are repeated and repeated again, children will have many chances to learn them over time. Songs, stories, finger plays or movement activities will teach children words that have physical clues attached. While babies have learned a clapping song, they may ask for it by clapping their hands, even before they know how to say, I want to sing with the clapping song!

8. Reading books for them.
There are so many wonderful baby books available in the store.
Looking for books with photos or aesthetically pleasing pictures or drawing. Children do not need cartoons as their only pictures. Also, looking for books with rich, varied or poetic language.
Some babies will lie on their backs with you on the floor looking up at a book for several minutes at a time. Others will wiggle and squirm.
There is no magic age to start reading to children. It should be done as soon as they can enjoy it. Try it periodically to see and than observe if your baby is interested.

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